How Subscription Payments Work & Resolving A Failed Payment
These payments occur on a regular schedule and only end when you cancel your subscription.
Heart To Freedom members have a Subscription Payment, otherwise known as a recurring payment.
The Heart To Freedom membership program is by definition, a subscription which you pay to be part of until such time as you choose freely to stop being a member. Unlike a course which has an end date and set price, this membership program keeps having new content added regularly. Payments reflect this difference with a set recurring payment structure, in order to keep on bringing you great content to impact your life positively.
If a future payment fails (due to card expiry or lack of funds, for example), further automatic attempts will be made to take the payment (over a few days) and you will be sent a series of emails to help resolve things.
For example, let's say your monthly payment always comes out on the 1st of each month (based on the day of the month you initially started). One month your bank has a misunderstanding, or your card is expired and you had forgotten to update your payment details. These things happen. So, there is a failed rebill attempt on the 1st of the month. To help you try and stay part of the member family, there will be 3 further rebill attempts to try and recover your payment. These rebill attempts would occur firstly 3 days after the initial attempted failed (on the 4th), next 5 days later (on the 9th), then the final rebill attempt would be 7 days later (on the 16th). In all, that gives you 15 days to resolve any issues with your card issuer. If that isn't enough, then do reach out to us and we'll do all we can to help. If this ever happens to you and you wish to understand why the payment has failed, reach out to your card issuer who will be able to give you this information and help resolve it with you.
We'll do our best to reach out via email to you after any first, second and third payment failure to help you get eyes on this matter, because we love having you in the family and don't want you to lose access if you just haven't noticed something.
Moving forward, payments would continue on the usual schedule once resolved. If attempts to recover a payment were not successful, membership access would sadly be revoked. Because of how our technology works, I would be unable to reinstate this billing for you, for refund payments already made. However, you would be welcome to re-join again at the next opportunity when Heart To Freedom is open to new members.
I do believe we value what costs us and investing in our spiritual life is important, but I don't believe going into debt is okay. If you need help, please reach out. We'd love to pray for you and support you however we can.
You may cancel or adjust a subscription at any time by viewing this related article: